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Taitung Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Progressive Execution of Penalty and Parole

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-12-07
  • View count:502

Based on Criminal Code, Law of Execution in Prison, Enforcement Rules of Statute of Progressive Execution of Penalty, Progressive Execution of Penalty and Parole are processed cautiously to encourage inmates repenting. Parole Screening Committee is founded. Experts from fields of psychology, education, law, criminal and prison probation officer,social worker or related specialists are invited to participate examine. By implementing fair, just and subjective parole examine, inmates’ recidivism rates are hope to reduce and reach the goal of correcting function.

  • Progressive Execution of Penalty

Prisoners whose prison term are more than six months are given leveled treatment. Progressive Execution of Penalty are sorted into 4 levels. Responsibility scores are rated by the length of prison term. Level promotion will be provided when responsibility scores are all offset. Inmates will receive tolerant treatment gradually and incrementally from level 4 progressing to level 1 to achieve the purpose of execution.

  • Shortening Prison Term

Fixed-term imprisonment prisoners who progress into level 3 and score 10 during monthly mark are able to shorten their prison term each month. 2 days are shortened for level 3, 4 days for level 2 and 6 days for level 1 per month.

  • Parole

Prisoners who progress into level 2 or above, execute prison term 6 months or above, execute fixed-term execution above half of prison term; commit recidivism and possess proof of regrets; are capable of living in society are qualified of Ministry of Justice examination after passing investigation of Parole Screening Committee.

Prisoners are able to conduct release procedure after receiving adjudication of parole with custody.

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