Technical Training
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2021-12-09
- View count:456
Inmates can develop job industrious habits, social skills, life skills training shall be to promote, develop skills to make a living , the prison has a “soap classes”, “these crafts”, “Patchwork classes”, “sand painting classes”, “baked goods classes”, “product Design Class”, “employment courses”, “foot massage classes”, “embroidery classes”, “rush weaving class” talent such as skills training, through a variety of learning and help inmates develop properly work attitudes and values, emphasizing the importance of personal work, the meaning of life and personal commitment to the work and responsibilities. Group lessons lead, so group members learn to take responsibility for their actions and decisions, learning to get along with others, sharing and other social skills, so that it can successfully return to society through employment.
Attachment List
- rush weaving class.pdf918 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:64
- embroidery classes.pdf916 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:69
- foot massage classes.pdf832 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:70
- employment courses.pdf786 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:65
- product Design Class.pdf567 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:69
- baked goods classes.pdf1085 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:70
- sand painting classes.pdf728 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:69
- Patchwork classes.pdf677 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:66
- these crafts.pdf1093 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:67
- soap classes.pdf1088 KB 2021-12-08 Count Views:71