Location of Reception room
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-01-17
- View count:888
The Reception room is in the administrative building.
- Interview and Register Service Time
1.Goverment agencies work day: 8:30~11:00 a.m and 13:30~16:00p.m
2.The first Sunday of the Month: 8:30~11:00 a.m and 13:30~16:00p.m
- Service TEL:886-89-224-711 Extension Number 654
- Interview room Handling Matters:
1.Interview and Register Business
2.Send in dishes、books、and daily necessities
3.Send in Money
4.Long distance Interview
- Interview Process:
1.Please extract number plate and wait for calling number
2.Take number plate to designated window
3.Waiting for Echelon and enter to interview